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Two Easy Plastic Free Swaps to Take With You to the Grocery Store!

Updated: Jan 7, 2021

Did you know that by 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish? (by weight). Now this is something extremely scary and when you think of it you feel like it's too big of a problem for you to change, but it’s not. At first it may seem just like one drop in a bucket when you skip only one plastic straw. But, over time and as others do it as well, it will make change. All you need to do to change this problem with plastic is to take small consistent actions. If you skip a plastic water bottle everyday for the next year that's 365 less water bottles out of the world. Here are 2 easy ways to reduce plastic in the grocery store!

One thing about these swaps is it takes a while to get into the habit of adding these to your lifestyle. It may take some time to remember certain items but it will soon become a habit!

Plastic vegetable bags. When you go to the grocery store or anywhere where you will need a vegetable bag, try and bring a reusable cloth one instead! (Plus they look really trendy!)They are lightweight and are easy to bring along with you. They can be left in your trunk so you can take them out when you go grocery shopping. We all know about not using plastic bags when buying groceries but sometimes forget to not use the plastic fruit and vegetable bags! There are many different styles of bags so find one that works for you!

Plastic lunch packaging...they need to go! Instead of using plastic wrap on your sandwich or putting some vegetables in a plastic lunch baggie try using reusable plastic or metal containers. They can be found at almost every grocery store, they are easy to wash and the majority of them can be put in the dishwasher. Another option is to buy reusable zip lock bags. They are often made of silicone and are in the shape of a normal plastic lunch bag except they can be washed and reused! You can easily put in any of your favorite snacks like trail mix (or a personal favorite...Goldfish crackers!) in these bags being them with you when you are on the go. They can also be used to store stuff in your fridge such as freshly cut fruit and vegetables or to put opened packages in (such as an opened block of cheese) Next time you want to bring some snacks with you, put them in a reusable container of lunch bags. FACT: did you know it can also save you money? Using one plastic bag every day for a year is $15, after two years of using reusable ones, it will pay off!

There are so many more swaps you can make to reduce your plastic! Stay tuned and follow along for more tips!

Small consistent actions are important because it's extremely hard to go plastic free in one day. It's a process but, if you stay consistent with it and gradually swap out these items it will be a lot easier. Just start today with something small. One small action consistently can make big change!

All for now,


Tree House Eco Box

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